Monday, June 22, 2009

My Ideal Job

I think my ideal job would be working as psychologist or working as a musician, I think it would be great working with people and not neccesarily working with papers or statistics, I love research, but what I really love is the human contact. Also, I really love music, I'd be so happy playing with my band in different places and feeling the people's warmth. Charisma, empathy are so important to do these jobs, without them you can't conect with people, I think those qualities are important to psychologists and also for musicians, when you know how the people feel and how you can help them, or how you can make them feel great is easier doing a good job. I think I'd be good at these jobs because I really love Psychology and Music, and I'm always tryin' to improve the qualities and skills needed for them.
I don't really know how I would find a job, Now, I just want to think about passing this semester and how I'm gonna spend my time on winter's holydays.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My favourite subject

Hi again, now I'm gonna talk about my favourite subject. My favourite subject is Social Psychology. This subjets is taught by Pablo Valdivieso. I like it because it's a subject where I can develop my abilities, especially what are related to analysis. Also, we dedicate much time to discuss about what we're studying. I think Social Psychology is essential to understand Psychology, it provide a specific perspective related to social interactions. I have learnt about group's psychology, bullying, violence psychology and leadership.
I have read authors like Martin-Baró, Moscovici, and Morales. Other reason for what I like Social Psychology is because it's very easy to understand and apply in your own life, especially if you're leading social projects.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Talk Review

Hi everybody!, this time I'm gonna talk about Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity". I think it's very interesting how he present education's problem refering the way how the school looks down on arts, music, or any dif ferent talent than maths, history, etc.He talked about the importance of improving different abilities and talents rather than usual. Other topic he's spoke, was the importance of don't being afraid of making mistakes in the school environment. Ken Robinson considers that mistakes is fundamental on being original.

Also, he talks about how a new vision, or concept about education would be useful in creation of new and different answers to the world's conflicts.

Finally, it's aproppiate to talk about how Ken Robinson knows about education, and how he was clear about what was he talking, he gave good examples, and also, was funny too, what helped him to keep public's attention.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Future

Hi everybody, now it's time to talk about my future. As I finish my career, I'll take a post-grade in Organizational Psychology. I want to work as a Organizational Psychologist because I want to improve the quality of worklife. I'm very interested in working as Organizational Psychologist in Schools. I think it's very important care about students as School Psychologists do, but I think it's very important care about teachers too. In five years I hope to get a work to start saving money for my own house. Personally I'd like to be with my actual girlfriend and playing in big places with my band. I hope to have my parents alive and see them healthy.
Of course I want to be healthy in 5 years, what I really want in 5 years is to be with my friends and family.